Archives de mot-clé : hollywood

Hercules : nouvelle bande-annonce (Cinéma)

(Par Samuel Bourassa)

Qui ne connaît pas la légende d’Hercules? Cette aventure incroyable où le demi-dieu grec défie les dieux et exécute les 12 travaux qui lui sont attribués. Une histoire des plus héroïque qui… étrangement n’a pas été exploitée autant qu’elle aurait pu l’être par le cinéma hollywoodien! Pas de panique, c’est aujourd’hui (25 mars) qu’une bande-annonce débarque des studios de Paramount et Metro-Goldwyn Mayer pour nous offrir le film Hercules qui sera sur nos écrans le 25 juillet prochain. Continuer la lecture de Hercules : nouvelle bande-annonce (Cinéma)

Critique : The wolf of Wall Street (cinéma)

(Par Panda)

J’étais d’abord surpris d’aller à la représentation de ce film à 17h15. Depuis quand allons-nous au cinéma à cette heure? Suite à l’étonmment vient l’inquiétude: la fiche du film indique que ce dernier dure trois heures ! Leo, une chance que je t’aime. Continuer la lecture de Critique : The wolf of Wall Street (cinéma)

My top 10 most talked about stories and people of 2013

(Written by Alexandre Lacas, foreword by Marc-Olivier Lalonde)

Every year is full of shocking and unbelievable stories that include our favorite celebrities. They allow us to gossip around the water cooler for hours. It seems however that 2013 was a special year because there were so many major stories published in the tabloids almost every single week! Here is Alexandre Laca’s take on the people who had the biggest impact of them all. Continuer la lecture de My top 10 most talked about stories and people of 2013

Reality TV : our obsession with the fast track to fame

(Written by Alexandre Lacas)

These days, it’s simply impossible to watch television without being exposed to, in some form or another, reality TV shows.  Whether you like fashion, hopeless people fighting over love, teen drama, food, music, dancing or you name it; the big networks have found a way to target us directly through our likes and dislikes.  We need to question ourselves for a second and think about how and why the reality TV phenomenon has managed to take over our screens while building a solid and extremely lucrative empire.  And why, sweet heavens, are we so taken up with it? Continuer la lecture de Reality TV : our obsession with the fast track to fame

The curse of the child star gone wrong

(Written by Alexandre Lacas)

If you haven’t paid attention to what’s been going on with former child star Miley Cyrus in the last few months then you might be in for a little surprise. The once sweet and innocent good girl who got her fame debut on the popular Disney television show Hannah Montana is clearly letting the world know that she’s not a little child anymore and she doesn’t care what the world thinks of her transformation as an artist. Continuer la lecture de The curse of the child star gone wrong

Review : Don Jon (Movie)

(Written by Patricia Leblanc)

After seeing the preview for Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut film Don Jon (2013) I was more or less unimpressed. I’m a fan of his starting from his days with long hair in Third Rock from the Sun but I found that his film resembled a film student’s graduation project. Let me explain what this means because I see this all the time as a film school senior and I despise the pretentious, artistic for art sake style of filmmaking that it entails. Continuer la lecture de Review : Don Jon (Movie)

The Kardashians : Why do we hate loving them?

(Written by Alexandre Lacas)

Unless you’re from another planet or you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, everyone knows who the Kardashian family is.  Whether it’s because of their 4 different but pretty similar reality TV shows or countless tabloid covers, they seem to have made a place in our lives.  Last week, I came across a cover page of Us weekly (okay, yes, I admit that I read this type of trash every now and then; blame it on my guilty pleasures I guess?) and it was advertising ‘The latest Kardashian event…’ where Kris, the mom, manager and the one responsible for turning her family into a multimillion dollar industry was now officially separated from her husband Bruce Jenner after 22 years of marriage. As I was reading the article I thought to myself, who cares?  What makes this family so special that we like to feel involved in every step of their life?  Whether it’s Kim Kardashian’s new baby with hip hop superstar Kanye West or 72-day union to Kris Humphries or Khloe Kardashian’s troubled marriage with NBA player Lamar Odom; we all love to hate, talk and secretly wish we lived their lifestyle.  But really, why is that?  How this controversial family made its way to the top of popular culture and into our lives. Continuer la lecture de The Kardashians : Why do we hate loving them?